Mini IAMs (Intuitive Art Messages)

Mini IAMs™ (Intuitive Art Messages) are small visual-energy creations that Lisa channels, paints, and draws. Lisa will create and share new IAMs frequently with the hopes that they may inspire you on your journey towards happiness, peace, clarity, insight, empowerment, and love.

Wishing Positive Changes for You • 4-4-2024
Yes, 2024 is the year of the Dragon, which represents power, strength, and good fortune. It's also associated with new beginnings, ambitious projects, and opportunities for growth and advancement. The dragon has held a powerful position in the Chinese zodiac. Legends explain that the mythical creature’s good fortune will be sprinkled upon us all. But the dragon has one requirement before all that wealth and wisdom is spread about — people need to be kind, loving and compassionate to themselves first, then let that ripple out to each other.

FEEL YOUR POWER • 3-19-2024
You have the power! Believe in yourself and your abilities. Trust yourself and have the courage to pursue your goals and dreams. There is high energy coming to you right now. Like the powerful flow of a cascading waterfall, life is moving forward and changes, transitions and experiences are happening. Take time and surrender and release to the natural flow of life. Claim your power and trust in the unfolding of your journey.
It's time to prioritizeyour physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Set more boundaries, practice self-compassion, and engage in activities that nourish and replenish you. Get outside in nature and breathe. Travel to the ocean, lake, rivers or even a waterfall and sit an feel the wonderous power and comfort. Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy being in the moment.

We all live on this planet together, giving us oxygen, water, soil, minerals, fuel, plants, animals, land, oceans, perfect conditions to sustain life and so much more. Our planet Earth is incredibly strong and a steady nurturer of life but we sometimes take for granted all it gives to us. So today, take a moment and let's give back in a simple and mindful way. Envision yourself holding our planet in your hands and sending love, healing energy, peace, kindness, happiness, gratitude and balance. It only takes a moment but the rippling effects throught out the world can be amazing.
Remember we are all connected with life's energy on this planet and throughout the universe. Love is a universal language and it starts with loving ourselves first and then letting our love ripple out to others. Feel the love!

You would be shocked if you knew how many angels, spiritual guardians and loved ones surround you, supporting you wherever and whatever you are doing. You are not alone! There are many times in life you face challenges, confusion, sadness, struggles, loneliness or fear and want answers or comfort. Your angels, guardians and loved ones want to reach out and talk to you. Their subtle presence can be shown with little"signs"such as a familiar song you know, a bird, a butterfly, a rainbow, symbols, a comforting smell, a whispering voice, an item falling off the shelf, etc. There are so many signs which come from a place of love. Do not be afraid– your angels, loved ones (including animals) and guardians just want to support you.
When I was a little girl, I felt Gabriella, my guardian angel (angelic form), visiting me. I would feel her gently waking me up in the morning by stroking my face with one of my favorite paint brushes. At the time, I was unaware, but knew I was not alone. I felt something was always nearby and yes I was afraid as I always slept with the hall light on. Sadness encompassed me so much as a child that my angels would guide me to draw, paint, craft, sing or play music. It comforted me and brought happiness into my life. Today art, design and music are my tools to help me stay connected to myself. I also feel a comfort in nature especially when I'm near the ocean, rivers and lakes. Yoga and meditation help me clear my mind so I can hear, sense, and be more present in the moment. I discovered that when you least expect a sign, symbol or message they will appear from your angels, loved ones and guardians. Ask and then gently listen.

BE IN THE MOMENT • 2-20-2024
Take a little time for yourself today and focus your attention on the present moment. These "moments" can be created wherever and whoever is in the moment with you. Focus on just one thing without distractions from your thoughts, stresses or the constant thinking swirling in your head. Pause right now and take a deep breath — breathe. Rest in the center of now. Send some kind, gentle, and loving thoughts to yourself today.
Being present in the moment can be challenging. But the more you practice it can be beneficial to your mind, body, spirit and health. Try spending more time out in nature and connect with your surroundings. Learning how to "ground" yourself helps with staying more balanced, gives you clarity, and perhaps gives you a better outlook on life. Practicing meditation can help quiet the mind and help you stay more focused. Finding time to journal helps validate your thoughts. And of course scheduling some fun, creative time always helps clear your head too. It's time for a new beginning. Embrace being in the moment.

FEEL THE LOVE • 2-14-2024
Give yourself some love today and embrace the beauty inside of you. It's time for you to turn your attention to yourself. Love begins with loving yourself first. Know that you are worthy and deserve all the goodness, kindness, happiness, and joy that surrounds you.
Place your hands over your heart center and close your eyes, go inward and focus on your beautiful heart...and breathe. Take three long full breaths in and out. Now send lots of love to your heart until you feel it radiating throughout your body. Smile right into your heart center and feel the love. Feel the oneness with yourself.
Remember you are never alone. We are all connected with life's energy on this planet and throughout the universe. Love is a universal language and it starts with loving ourselves first and then letting our love ripple out to others. Feel the love!
More about A Mini IAM
A Mini IAM™ (Intuitive Art Message) is a visual energy creation that Lisa channels, paints, and draws. The IAMs are visions that she receives from her spirit guides, angels, and loved ones that help and guide her to become more awake, alive, and authentic, and embrace her inner truth and wisdom. As an intuitive, Lisa channels images that form in her mind, and she sketches, paints, draws, and writes messages or symbols that assist on her spiritual journey. Each IAM piece is unique and is infused with loving healing energy. All of the colors that are used are based on the different Chakras, the energy centers of the body. Woven into each IAM is a dark blue starry night sky, reminding us that we are connected to the universe. The stars are a beacon of hope, sending us positivity, love, happiness, and renewal.

Schedule a session with Lisa today!
Akashic Intuitive Guidance Readings >Learn more or Schedule Your Session >
Intuitive Art Messages (IAM) >Learn more or Schedule Your Session >
All sessions are done remotely either by phone, Zoom or FaceTime.
If you have any questions please contact Lisa at 603-566-3104 or email.
Usui Reiki & Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Session >Learn more or Schedule Your Session >
Guided Meditation Practice >Learn more or Schedule Your Session >
Disclaimer: As an Intuitive Practitioner, Energy Healer and Artist, the information, insight and messages given during a session is subject to the client's own personal interpretation. The information provided does not constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. Therefore, each client receiving the consultation is responsible for his/her own choices and/or actions.